
Grandparents Day
Harmony's Basket Basket Arrangement in Rockwell, NC | THE FLOWER BASKET
Harmony's Basket
Basket Arrangement
A fresh blend of colors and flowers can be found in this bold basket. With orange roses, purple stock, and two colors of larkspur, these vibrant colors dance in an arrangement that brings a smile to all who see it! Send Harmony’s Basket to a friend or family member that loves the beauty of fresh flowers.
Shown at $85.00
Shown at $85.00
Colorful Balance Flower Arrangement in Rockwell, NC | THE FLOWER BASKET
Colorful Balance
Flower Arrangement
A bright arrangement with just the right amount of poise, Colorful Balance is an energetic mix of yellow roses, orange snapdragons, blue iris, yellow tulips, and more. Just one look at this arrangement will brighten their day! Perfect for any occasion, these flowers are a surefire way to make them smile.
Shown at $135.00
Shown at $135.00

Custom Flower Design
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
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Show Grandma and Grandpa you care by sending the traditional gift of flowers this Grandparent's Day. From across the street to across the country, let us help you make their day as memorable and sweet as they are. Say "You are in our hearts & thoughts" with traditional flower favorites: lilies, roses, snapdragons & irises. Let us create something your grandparents will love and appreciate.